Fun, Healthy and Inclusive

We’re all about getting children active, having fun and learning together

We have weekly sessions for girls and boys of all abilities to develop their football and sports skills. Our ethos of FUN, HEALTHY and INCLUSIVE is at the centre of everything we do. Children will learn new skills and take part in games.


Make it Happen

Fun, Healthy, Inclusive

Confidence – Believing in yourself that you can achieve

Healthy - We recognise the importance of children leading active and healthy lifestyles.

Inclusive - Our team is trained to make sure that everyone is involved and made to feel welcome.

Growth – Viewing challenges as opportunities we encourage progression. Praising efforts, being positive and believing you can become the best version of you!

Resilience – To create resilient individuals who always try their hardest and never give up

Fun – We believe children and adults who enjoy themselves and have fun, will learn more and want to keep taking part.

Captain Active

Our Official Mascot

Who is Captain Active?

Captain Active is the official Mascot who represents and promotes the Active Way across all our Active brands. Energetic and Sporty, Captain Active is sure to enhance the magic and imagination.

Available to book for your special day or event Captain Active provides endless fun and an engaging experience for children providing lasting memories.